Down to Earth Products

Down to Earth Products


Quality & toxic chemical-free products are essential for consumer safety, health, and environmental well-being. They minimize health risks, promote sustainability, and encourage responsible production practices, ensuring a healthier future. Rarely, is one product “100 perfect” but these are products are very close and ones that I use & endorse and most of all…THEY WORK!


Shakeology is the most misunderstood nutritional on the market. It’s not a protein shake. It’s more like the perfect whole food, plant-based, natural vitamin & nutrient meal replacement. Shakeology also has the only dry probiotic that doesn’t get destroyed in the stomach acid, never reaching the gut, like most products. It contains soluable and insoluable fiber as well as over 70 antioxidants, digestive enzymes, protein, phytonutrients and adaptogens. It’s the one time when having more than five ingredients is BEST for your health!

Comes to about $4.50/ day.

Herbal face food.

Like Shakeology in the shake market, Herbal Face Food stands alone in the skin care market. There really is nothing like it. It really is like “food for your face”. It contains the highest quality natural antioxidant healing botanicals extracts and are conveniently delivered in a serum to give your face everything it needs to look and feel its best, without risking any of the issues that come with the toxic chemicals in other products.

SAVE 30% with my Link & C0de below

Ultimate reset

ultimate reset 3 week cleanse.


  • USDA Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Kosher, Vegan & Paleo-Friendly

  • No Fillers, Additives, Preservatives, or Flavors

  • No Sugar, Alcohol free

Vimergy supplements